Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Tomato Hornworm
Saturday, July 24, 2010
IKEAfans Video of New IKEA Kitchen Products
IKEA NYC Fan Event
Yes, that's us "in a drawer." When in Rome...
A lot of stuff makes it into my house. Not much makes it out.
Everyone writing about the new 2011 IKEA Catalog shows pics of these salt and pepper shakers. Their pics are better. I don't care. I'm posting my pic anyway.
Apparently kids like their own dining options. I like the pastel kid sized dining stuff, but I know, they're not new.
I liked these magnetic circles. Pretty pics. Great option if you like to print your photos but you don't necessarily want to stick them in an album.
I was sure these were picture frames. Now I'm not so sure...
New bathroom stuff for people with very small bathrooms.
I thought this was cute. My kid could hang her five million bead necklaces instead of leaving them on the floor.
There were drinks and hor d'oeuvres. Huge AC units working very hard to not let us die from heat stroke. A woman from Better Homes & Gardens spoke, as well as some IKEA people. Someone from IKEAfans was there, but we ducked out. It was getting too hot for me.
They even gave us some pretty awesome gift bags.
All in all a fun afternoon. But I have to say, I kinda underwhelmed by the new stuff. There wasn't a lot of new or innovative items. I struggled to figure out what to take pics of that you guys wouldn't have already seen in an old catalog.
They did give us advance copies of the new catalog. Again...okay. I think it's all that anticiaption for the new catalog that makes you expect a lot. A handful of new things just isn't enough.
Anyway, we ended out evening with a walk through Hoboken and dinner at Bangkok City Thai Restaurant....very good food btw.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Our Garden in July
Friday, July 2, 2010
What's Growing in Our Garden
I love these tiny bell peppers! Too cute.
I think we started with six cantaloupe plants. Four survived. They are slowly taking over.
Amidst this bunch is a cantaloupe, some kind of zucchini, I think and possibly watermelon.
Peas. I should've planted more than the ten or twenty I did. Next year for sure.
Pole beans...string beans...french beans...I'm not sure...
It's hard to tell, but I have five? cucumber plants there...a couple of regular cucumbers and a couple of pickling cukes. Definitely going to pickle stuff this year.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Wanna Be Weed Free? Get an Action Hoe!
So I told him about stirrup hoes, which I never heard of before. And he found this Ames Action Hoe