We went away on a weekend vacation to Williamsburg, VA. We came back to very tall peas.



The peas are ready for shelling.

More string beans.

Yellow squash.


Fuzzy pics of pickling cucumbers.

The tomatoes are getting very big.

Sugar snap peas.

Strawberry popcorn.


Did you notice some extra fencing?
A little weird looking and hard to step over, but necessary.
I have a million and one rabbits in my yard.
This cute one is the size of my hand.

We had to add the extra fencing to stop them from getting into the garden.
As I am looking out my window, there are four of them.
I think they live in the neighbors yard, under their shed.
The Peanut said they think our yard is the supermarket.
I think she's right.
Umm... Williamsburg, VA vacay? And you didn't stop by? HELLO?!?!?!? Pththt! You missed out woman. I'm going to post lots of pictures of my chickens to your facebook page now just to annoy you :-)