Thursday, November 2, 2017

Vegan Options at TGIFridays

I saw something come across my Facebook feed about vegan options at TGIFridays.  The gave you options that I don't believe are remotely accurate.  As per the email I received from TGIFridays:

"Thank you for emailing TGI Fridays.

We apologize for the inconvenience. The only vegan item we have on the menu is Beyond Burger on Test Locations in Boston Area.

Thank you for your interest in TGI Fridays!"

So yeah...nothing.

Just look at their Allergen Menu.

Vegan Menu TGI Friday
Picture from go check out her experience at TGIFridays

Side salad has dairy.  The fries have egg, dairy, fish and and shellfish!  What the....?  And why does 99% of their menu have dairy?  Ewww.  I'm going to bet their bread has dairy, so I'd double check that before ordering their Beyond Burger.

I'm surprised so many sites are listing things like the fries.  Never trust any site...even this one.  Always do your own research.  Asking a server isn't enough.  Check out their allergen menus.  Whenever possible, ask to see the packaging of the food (that's how one person from my vegan Facebook group discovered the salt at her movie theatre had dairy in it and how I discovered my local White Castle doesn't stock vegan bread for their veggie burgers even though they're supposed to).

And please, before I get comments from people talking about cross contamination, that is not what this is.  If it was, they would specifically state that due to cross-contamination they can't guarantee that their food won't have allergens.  Also, if they were listing possible cross-contamination, then every item would list everything.  No.  This is a list that, based on the ingredients in the food, contain these allergens.  If you think I'm wrong, and that the TGIFridays representative was wrong, then contact them yourself.

I'm not a chain person myself.  I prefer supporting local restaurants.  But, perhaps you should check out a different chain when you go out, because no one wants fish in their french fries...or maybe you each their own.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Don't Eat a Turkey, Sponsor One Instead: Woodstock Farm Sanctuary

Thanksgiving is just around the corner and while this holiday is filled with gratitude and happiness, it is a day of violence and loss for 46 million turkeys. But this Thanksgiving, you can celebrate peace and compassion by sponsoring a turkey friend at Woodstock Farm Sanctuary. 

For the month of November, sponsor a turkey for only $50 and receive a beautiful sponsorship package – a card, photo, and story of your rescued turkey. Be an effective advocate by introducing your family and friends to one of our friendly turkeys who has a name, unique personality, and lives a happy life, like our friend Antoinette.

At just a few weeks old, Antoinette was found near a live-kill market in New York City, a type of market where people go to pick out a live turkey among the hundreds of other young, terrified birds and rabbits trapped in small crates. He or she is then killed on-site while the others await the same horrible fate.

At Woodstock Sanctuary, Antoinette is safe and free to be her friendly, affectionate self. She is very sociable and will come right up to sit on your lap and cuddle. Many visitors are blown away by her cheery personality and come to realize that, though she has feathers instead of fur, she is just like the dogs and cats who we love and care for. She is a beautiful individual deserving of life and happiness.

Antoinette is an inspiring ambassador who moves people to view animals as friends, not food.

Introduce Antoinette to your family and friends this Thanksgiving by sponsoring her for only $50. It is a great (and affordable!) way to help us cover the costs of caring for turkeys in need while raising awareness of their plight on this holiday.

This holiday season, let’s give turkeys something to be thankful for by leaving them, and all animals, off our plates.We encourage everyone to celebrate ThanksLiving with us – in reverence and gratitude for all life.

From all of the animals and people here at Woodstock Sanctuary, thank you for caring!

(Yes, I stole this whole post from Woodstock Farm Sanctuary, but I don't think they'd mind me sharing this info.  I'll post the emails I get from other sanctuaries about their Sponsor a Turkey programs this month.  Thanksgiving is a horrible holiday, celebrating a horrible thing.  Don't be part of that.  Start a new tradition of getting together with the people you love and share a cruelty-free meal.)